Currency converter usd to vnd
Currency converter usd to vnd

currency converter usd to vnd

The exchange rate we use is our applicable exchange rate in effect when the deposit is posted to your account. When funds to be deposited into your account with us are in a currency that is different from that account, such as with an incoming wire transfer, we convert the funds into the currency of your account, and then deposit them into your account. Receive a wire payment or deposit a cheque in a currency that is different from the currency of the account into which you are depositing the funds.įor these services, we will quote to you our applicable exchange rate for the transaction and you may choose whether or not to complete the transaction.Send a wire transfer in a currency that is different from the currency of the account you are sending from or.Purchase a draft in a currency that is different from the currency you are using to buy the draft.Purchase foreign currency in cash from us, or we purchase foreign currency in cash from you.We set the exchange rate for foreign currency purchases associated with many services, such as when you:

currency converter usd to vnd

Exchange rates fluctuate throughout the day. For example, the exchange rate determines how much in Canadian Dollars it will cost to purchase U.S. A foreign currency exchange is a purchase that occurs when you purchase foreign currency from us or we purchase foreign currency from you.Īn exchange rate is the price at which one currency can be purchased or sold for another currency.

currency converter usd to vnd

When we refer to foreign currency, we are referring to a currency other than Canadian Dollars. This information is for our Personal Banking Customers.

Currency converter usd to vnd